Shipping With Flexitanks And Its Advantages-Fluid Flexitanks

Shipping With Flexitanks And Its Advantages

What is a Flexitank?

The flexitank is a massive liquid storage unit, prepared with numerous layers of polyethylene, with an external layer of woven polypropylene. As global commerce expanded, logisticians took an advantage of this technology to transport any non-hazardous liquids by simply placing them in a standard dry container. It basically changes an ocean container to a safer, healthier and cost-effective alternative for shippers. Flexitanks are extensively favored for food-grade products chemical transportation due to their high effectiveness along with superior defense against contamination.

Advantages of Shipping with Flexitanks:

The national and international companies, in order to be more competitive, come out with best ideas to cut down their cost with every approach. Thus, it is important for the companies to be unbiased for all possible solutions which might include the logistics needs as well. Most of the companies out there are always looking for various unconventional ways to save money with their shipments. For instance, in case a company is shipping non-hazardous liquid, flexi-tank containers are an excellent option to consider.

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Top Benefits:

Flexitank is a substitute to standard transportations such as railway, tank-containers or drums, road tanks and other way of transportation. Business companies that ships bulk liquid experiences a lot of difficulties carrying out shipment free of mistake. With the arrival of flexitanks, it has certainly become a lot of easier as it offers some great benefits which are listed below:

  • One can considerably reduce expenses of transportation. When compared with tank-container one will just pay for one way freight of the 20-feet container. There is no requirement to return container and pay for this.
  • By using flexi-tank as packaging for the cargo one can end up saving not less than 30-40% in comparison with cost of drums or other capacities.
  • One can also save around 90% of time for loading and unloading of the cargo.
  • There is no need of cleaning the flexi-tank after transportation as it is disposable.
  • The material used in the manufacture of the flexi-tank is in-fact cheaper than drums or other alternative packaging means.
  • When compared to ISO tanks and drums, Flexitanks can carry increased volume of transportable liquid.
  • The proportion of wastage is very low and there remains negligible or no residue after unloading.

Related Topic: What Can Be Transported In Flexitanks And Its Benefits?

All these phenomenal advantages of flexitanks clearly explains why Flexitanks are the most preferred option for shipping. Thus, it can be said that Flexitank is one of the most inventive and creative flexible containers that has been designed of late to carry liquid, fluid, foodstuffs and other such things. A flexitank can usually carry molasses, base oils, wine, fruit juices, latex, glycerin, non-hazardous chemicals, egg products, water oils, edible oils, bio-diesel, chemicals, non-dangerous pharmaceuticals as well as industrial products.

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